Wednesday 13 May 2015


Lately, I taking things slow in Photography... I want to enjoy life without having to think about the frame and how I want to capture it... Taking photos constantly can make one look at everything within a certain frame which can be limiting. I've been taking similar subject photos for sometime now and I do enjoy taking random flowers, people, road, fence, etc photos again and again but at times I don't have much to share online because they are repetitive. I want to try something new esp. with Concept Photography mixed with Fine Arts and Fantasy but alas, life is getting a bit tied up these days...
I want to learn proper way of photo editing and find like-minded circle to learn and share...

At the moment I feel like I am sitting on the fence and observing everything....

(All the photos taken with Analog cameras and Film)



1 comment:

  1. Again , another excellent seris , best is the cat climbing the wire fence!! No 5 is a excellent capture.
